At Enhanced Wellness Living Functional Medicine Clinic we understand that healthcare is not a “one size fits all” practice and we offer a variety of healthcare treatments to ensure that our patients are building strength, immunity, hormone balance, sexual health, and a lifestyle of energy, vitality, and longevity! Throughout April we are focusing on stress and sleep to ensure you are living life well! Sleep is the foundation of a healthy life and good quality sleep is needed to allow your body the opportunity to rest and repair, yet 40% of Americans are sleep deprived.
Sleep Facts:
-90% of chronic disease is related to inflammation
-40% of Americans are sleep deprived, which leaves us restless, fatigued, stressed, and irritable; 1 in 4 Americans suffer from Insomnia, 1 in 5 Americans suffer from Sleep Apnea, 1 in 10 Americans suffer from restless leg syndrome; 48% of Americans report that they snore
-There are over 100 sleep disorders including, sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, trauma-induced inability to sleep, sleep paralysis, night terrors, sleepwalking, and more
-Insomnia is defined as the inability to sleep more than 6-6.5 hours per night, 3 nights per week
-Sleep is a 24 hour processes
-56% of people age 65+ have higher risk of obstructive sleep apnea
-Sleep apnea occurs in 3% of average weight individuals and 20% of overweight/obese people; People with sleep apnea are 45% more likely to develop high blood pressure; sleep apnea is more prevalent in men than women
-People who get 5-6 hours of sleep are 4.2 times more likely to get sick over people who sleep 7+ hours per night; People who sleep less than 7 hours each night are 12% more likely to die prematurely
-The average American sleeps 7 hours and 6 minutes
-Fetal position is the most common sleep position, followed by side, then back, then stomach
-Quality sleep helps your body to naturally detox, reduce fatigue, and boost energy
-Consequences of sleep deprivation include weight gain, increased cortisol (stress hormone) levels, inflammation, increased risk of high insulin, increase risk of cardiovascular disease, disturbed thyroid hormone utilization, overall health decline, increased risk of disease, and more
-Sleep hormones include: Melatonin, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Histamine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, and more
Sleep Health Tips:
-Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi can improve sleep quality
-Getting morning sunlight exposure supports healthy sleep! The hormone melatonin is naturally produced in your body when your retina is exposed to sunlight
-Your bedroom temperature should be 68 degrees to support the natural release of melatonin
-Your bedroom should be for sleep and sex; remove anything that causes stimulation-TV, iPad, bright clocks, phones, and so on
–Alpha-Stim is an in-home treatment for stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia, which is proven to result in significant anxiety relief, mood normalization, and better sleep (both in quality and duration)
-The inability to get good quality sleep could mean an underlying thyroid health issue or other hormonal imbalance
–Nutritional health plans a major role in our sleep! Avoid alcohol, caffeine, heavy meals, and nicotine before bed. If you need a snack, try a protein shake, warm nut milk, or herbal tea. Nutrition is key in sleep health and overall health and wellness
-Do not go to be until sleepy; if you cannot sleep after 20 minutes get up and do a non-stimulating activity, such a reading a book (no screens) until sleepy
-Keep a sleep diary!
-Nutrients for good sleep include: Magnesium, Vitamin B6/B Complex, Fish Oil, Amino Acids, Glycine, Taurine, Glutamine
-Holistic Health Stress Support: Magnolia and philodendron, 5-HTP, L-Theanine, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng
Now, more than ever, it is critical that both men and women focus on our nutritional health, physical health, hormonal health, sexual health, and mental health. At Enhanced Wellness Living our goal is to continue to support our patients and to be a source of reassurance, support, education, stress reduction, and wellness!