We’re encouraged to make a habit of going to the gym, and we’re expected to eat healthy foods and engage in self-care. But we’re also bombarded with everything from fizzy drinks with special properties to new diets. With all this marketing around health, are we foregoing wellness? Step away from what you are told “health” is, and look towards what a wellness center can provide for you. At Enhanced Wellness Living in Ridgeland, Mississippi, we help you tune in to your body, mind, and spirit so you can give yourself the care you really need.
What Is Wellness?
Health is a part of wellness, but wellness goes far beyond our definition of health. It is comprised of different dimensions that, together, work to make you holistically well. Just a few of the dimensions involved in true wellness include:
This dimension of wellness is similar to our idea of health. The physical dimension means caring for your body in ways that help it be healthy now as well as in the future.
The intellectual dimension deals with growing yourself intellectually and maintaining a curiosity about all that there is to learn in the world. Engaging this dimension means valuing lifelong learning and having a positive response to intellectual challenges. It also means expanding your own knowledge while discovering the potential for sharing what you know with others.
The emotional dimension of wellness regards understanding and respecting your own feelings, values, and attitudes while simultaneously acknowledging and respecting the individual feelings of others. This dimension also includes managing your emotions in a constructive manner and generally feeling positive and enthusiastic about your life.
This dimension focuses on maintaining healthy relationships, enjoying spending time around others, and developing both friendships and intimate relationships. This dimension also includes contributing to your community, caring about those around you, and allowing others to care about you in turn.
The spiritual dimension is about finding your purpose and finding value and meaning in your life. While religion can be a tool to meet your spiritual needs, you can explore this dimension without organized religion. This dimension also includes participating in activities that are in line with your beliefs and values.
The vocational dimension involves preparing for or participating in work that gives you personal satisfaction and enriches your life in ways that are consistent with your goals and values. This dimension also includes using your unique skills and talents to contribute to work that is personally rewarding and meaningful.
This dimension is about managing your resources in a way that allows you to live within your means. It includes making informed financial decisions and setting realistic goals, as well as preparing for short-term and long-term needs. This dimension also includes an awareness that the financial values and needs of everyone are different.
What Does a Wellness Center Consist of?
At Enhanced Wellness Living, we are committed to increasing not just your physical health, but the health of your entire person. We want to help you reach wellness in each dimension so that you are able to live the full and healthy life that you deserve. So what services can you expect at our wellness center? You can learn about each of our wellness programs here.
Your body is constantly fighting to keep itself healthy. But the reality of the world today is that your body is constantly at war with toxins. Whether they come from the food you eat or from personal care products, you are constantly consuming chemicals and toxins that your body has to fight.
Your body is built to fight through these toxins, but it needs the right tools to do so. When your body isn’t processing out all the toxins it takes in, you might find yourself noticing symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, hormone imbalance, or brain fog. So how do you give your body the tools to win the fight?
You go back to basics. You make sure that the air, water, and foods you are taking in are helping your body, not hurting it. With our detoxification program, you learn how to be more aware of potential toxins and minimize your exposure to them. We dive deep into detoxification and help you regain your vitality.
Proper nutrition is a keystone of living well. There are three critical factors that impact how your body is reacting to the nutrition you give it: the food, the amount of food, and the time you consume the food. We will help you determine a nutritional plan that is right for you. Each body is unique and has unique nutritional needs. That’s why we work with you to determine how to improve your nutrition based on your body’s own needs. Getting the right food means investing in foods that are unprocessed, and as much as possible, organic and locally grown.
The quality of the nutrients you take in is essential to having a healthy body, mind, and spirit. You may be eating the right foods, but are you eating the right amount? Many people struggle with determining the proper amount of food for their body. They eat too little, thinking it will help them lose weight, or they eat too much, thinking it will keep them full longer. We work with you to determine the right serving sizes for your unique needs.
Eating at the right time can’t be overlooked, either. The timing of your meals can affect your blood pressure and your ability to break down and absorb key nutrients. Eating in the right time periods for your body helps you go through your day with the physical and mental capabilities to get your work done.
Body Composition
This program is perfect for those looking to achieve the perfect version of themselves. Many people have a desire to get thinner, but this goal doesn’t take into account your body composition and how your unique body works. With this program, we help you set realistic goals for your body and reach them.
Body composition is the ratio of fat to fat-free tissue in the body. Having a body composition that is out of balance can cause a whole host of issues throughout your body, including heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, back pain, cancer, excessive fatigue, respiratory problems, high cholesterol, diabetes, and much more.
Hair Restoration
Hair loss is something many people deal with for a variety of reasons, and it can start as early as twenty years old. Some of the most common reasons people start losing hair are genetics, health, and side effects from prescription drugs, although there are many more reasons one may begin to lose hair.
While you may find that one method or another helps combat your hair loss, we find that a combination of approaches tends to yield the greatest results. Together, we will work with you to determine which treatment, or mix of treatments, can best be relied on to slow and reverse your hair loss.
Digestive Health Programs
We use a behavioral, dietary, and supplementary approach to treat many issues that are related to your digestive health. To better help you, we offer programs for different gastrointestinal conditions: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn.
Our guts are full of bacteria, and we rely on that bacteria to help us digest the food we put into our bodies. Our gastrointestinal tract is like an ecosystem, so interfering with it can create dramatic symptoms. We use dietary changes, supplementation, and behavior to create a healthy balance for your gut that gets rid of any gastrointestinal symptoms.
Hormone Balance
It’s pretty easy for your hormones to become unbalanced, after all, you have over 600 of them in your body. That’s why over-the-counter quick fixes don’t tend to work long-term. But by investing in your health with our wellness center, we can help you feel better long-term.
We monitor your sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones to see where your levels are, and where they should be. We will help you learn about how these different hormones interact in your body, and how your age, genetics, and inflammation levels affect your hormone balance. With our help, you won’t just get a quick fix, but a solution that lasts.
Thyroid Health
It’s estimated that 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and that up to 60% of those individuals don’t even know that they have a thyroid disease. The thyroid is a hormone-producing gland that helps to regulate your body’s metabolism.
If your thyroid gland isn’t functioning properly, you can experience symptoms such as fatigue, swelling and stiffness in the joints, constipation, thinning hair, slow heart rate, unexplained weight gain, brain fog, depression and anxiety, and more. We will look at your thyroid function and help you create a plan to balance its function. This often includes assessing nutrition, getting regular sleep and exercise, and decreasing stress, as well as using specific medications to target the thyroid dysfunction you are experiencing.
Autoimmune Health
Autoimmune disease describes a group of conditions that occur due to abnormalities with the immune system and its regulation. Autoimmune disease can be caused by many issues, including genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. However, autoimmune disease is still not fully understood.
That being said, we know that there is a strong connection between gut health and autoimmune disease. We work with you to determine how we can improve your gut health in order to improve your autoimmune function. We work to determine the source of the inflammation, not just the symptoms, through functional medicine. And through this practice, we can help return your autoimmune function to a healthy balance.
Are You Truly Well?
Wellness is becoming a more popular topic as we begin to realize the importance of treating the body as a whole. When we focus on bringing the body, mind, spirit, and environment into harmony, we can more effectively treat specific ailments and increase your health. Find out for yourself how our wellness center can help you.
To schedule an appointment or to have your questions answered, contact us at Enhanced Wellness Living in Ridgeland, Mississippi today and get started on a journey to true wellness.