What Causes Hair Loss?
Hair loss is a common issue many people face, starting as early as 20 years old and intensifying with age. The factors that contribute to loss of hair are wide and varied, but the main causes are health, genetics, side effects from prescription drugs, and more. Hair loss and thinning are prevalent in both men and women but are treatable conditions through hair restoration techniques.
Methods Of Hair Restoration
The best treatments available to combat hair loss are prescription medication and hair transplantation surgery. Though many find success using one treatment, greater results may be achieved using a combination of techniques. Call Enhanced Wellness Living in Ridgeland, Mississippi today to find out which of our treatments may be right for you.
The three main hair growth medications prescribed are DHT inhibitors, anti-androgens, and growth stimulants. DHT inhibitors reduce DHT levels present in the scalp to reduce the loss of hair. Anti-androgens block DHT from entering the follicle while avoiding side effects from lowering DHT levels. Growth stimulants maintain hair while it is in the growth phase and can be used with other medications.
Are Hair Restoration Treatments Safe?
Yes! Medications have been recognized as a safe and effective means of restoring hair. Since the solution is created using a sample of the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of severe allergic reactions, side effects, or disease.
Are You A Good Candidate for Treatments?
If you struggle with hair thinning, patterns of hair loss, or complete loss of hair over large areas of the scalp, you may benefit from our hair restoration treatments. If you think you’re a good candidate for these treatments and would like to start the process of restoring your hair, contact Enhanced Wellness Living. For residents in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Bolton, Brandon, Canton, Clinton, Madison & Vicksburg, Mississippi area contact us today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!