The fat that is accumulating around your belly is particularly concerning. If you have a significant amount of belly fat, you are at a much greater risk of type-two diabetes and heart disease. It is important to reduce the amount of belly fat you are carrying in order to reduce the risk of these diseases. If you have ever tried to get rid of this fat, you probably know how difficult this can be. Your belly fat is stubborn, and it does not like to go away quietly. Rather, belly fat will stick around even if you are losing fat in other parts of your body. You can look skinny in other areas, but still have that central bulge in your belly that will hold on despite your best efforts to get rid of it. The following are some strategies that can help you reduce belly fat and return to a more normal weight.
Sugar is a major cause of obesity, and it will keep packing on pounds in the belly region. The fructose in sugar is what significantly contributes to the amount of belly fat you have acquired. When you consume high fructose corn syrup, the amount of fructose in this type of sugar is much higher than in regular table sugar. Consequently, consuming this type of sugar is like putting belly fat storage on steroids. The more you eliminate sugar from your diet, the easier it will be to cut back on the rate at which belly fat is being stored. This is important to remember the next time you think about downing an entire container of ice cream or bag of cookies. But the source of sugar that is most critical to watch out for is the sugar you consume in liquid beverages like soda, because this is often the source of sugar that few people even consider being a major contributor to their belly fat.
Cutting Calories and Exercise
If you want to target stubborn belly fat, it helps to attack this problem from more than one angle. By significantly reducing your dietary caloric intake and by exercising at the same time, you will find it is much easier to get your body to start giving up the fat around your midsection. Decreasing caloric intake prevents calories from being stored as fat, and exercise burns calories and fat that your body already possesses. This two-pronged method for weight loss can really ramp up your metabolism. This is especially true if you are exercising in a way that increases muscle mass.
Get in touch with our team at Enhanced Wellness Living to schedule a consultation at our office in Ridgeland.
We are proudly serving residents in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Bolton, Brandon, Canton, Clinton, Madison & Vicksburg, Mississippi area. Contact us today for an appointment!
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