Chronic fatigue is a medical problem about which very little is known. Although some doctors tend to brush chronic fatigue under the rug, painting it only as a “woman’s complaint,” our medical professionals know differently and always treat you with compassion, helping you search for the right treatment to help you feel more like yourself.
Over 200,000 individuals are diagnosed with this problem every year, and a majority of them are women. Diagnosis is normally made by ruling out other problems and by noting extreme exhaustion in the patient for six months or longer. This fatigue does not respond well to rest but feels worse when the person takes part in an exerting activity.
Treatments cannot completely cure chronic fatigue as of now, but some treatments can help to mitigate the symptoms and make you feel more like yourself. Treatments usually fall into different categories, and our practitioner may recommend one or more methods simultaneously depending on the situation.
The Thing About Self-Care Techniques
Changes in lifestyle and improvement in self-care are usually the common places to start because these normally come with few to no side effects and work well for mild cases. Stress management is a key treatment component. If you do exercise, it should be light and slow and include plenty of stretching. You will also need to find ways to manage your emotional or mental stress. Meditation, deep breathing and journaling can be great ways to do this. With that being said, these self-care techniques can only go so far. Oftentimes, more is needed. That’s where our team can help.
Professional Therapies
These therapies are great because they help you understand your symptoms and learn to control them. The thing about chronic fatigue is that treatment is not one-size-fits-all. The right treatment for you will depend on a number of factors.
If you are ready to get a handle on your chronic fatigue and find a new way to live your life, make an appointment at Enhanced Wellness Living, where we proudly serving residents in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Bolton, Brandon, Canton, Clinton, Madison & Vicksburg, Mississippi area. Contact us today for a consultation.
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