Every day, your body is assaulted by a lot of different chemicals and environmental toxins that end up producing a hefty toxic load inside you. This toxic load can have a detrimental effect on your organ systems. For this reason, it is generally a good idea to engage in detoxification procedures to ensure that your body is getting rid of a vast amount of the toxins it is carrying around. The following are some detoxification practices you can use to help free your body of toxins today.
Water is a great hydrating agent, but did you know it is essential for flushing toxins out of your body, too? Water helps the kidneys by cleansing out a number of different toxins. When you do not get enough water, your toxic load can increase as the efficiency of your kidneys’ ability to remove waste from your body decreases. Drinking sufficient amounts of water helps to restore kidney function to a more normal state to ensure better waste removal.
When you inhale, you are taking in oxygen. When you exhale, you are giving back a waste product known as carbon dioxide. Deep breathing helps to get more oxygen into your body while removing more of the carbon dioxide waste produced by respiration. Deep breathing is also important for helping detox the lymphatic system.
When it comes to detoxification, fasting is a method that is known to produce a detoxification effect. However, you don’t always have to fast to detox. Our team can help you determine which foods are helpful and hurtful when it comes to detoxification.
Talk to our staff at Enhanced Wellness Living to learn more about your options regarding detoxification. We have offices in Ridgeland, Mississippi and we are proudly serving residents in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Bolton, Brandon, Canton, Clinton, Madison & Vicksburg, Mississippi area. Contact us today to book a consultation and get started!
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