
GAINSWave: A Prime ED Treatment


GAINSWave Glossary

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Couples Sexual Health

P-Shot for Men

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If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED), have a reduced enjoyment of sex or just want to feel that youthful, sexual power you once had, you have probably tried everything. Are you ready for a treatment that works without surgery, downtime, pills or hormones? GAINSWave® is the breakthrough treatment that can restore your sexual wellness, correct your ED and enhance your sex life.

GAINSWave® is the first treatment for ED and Peyronie’s disease that directly addresses the biological causes of ED. If you’re tired of taking pills or trying treatment after treatment that doesn’t work, learn more about a procedure that can change your life.

What is GAINSWave®?

GAINSWave® is a proven treatment for ED, Peyronie’s disease and other conditions that interfere with your ability to enjoy sex. Unlike pills and other treatments, it focuses on the root cause of ED, which is slow blood flow. The treatment addresses this concern directly.

With this simple treatment, you can finally enjoy:

  • Complete self-confidence
  • Better performance
  • Stronger erections
  • Better orgasms
  • Lasting results

A Real Answer for Men with ED and Peyronie’s Disease

GAINSWave® offers a real solution to men who are struggling with diminished sexual performance. You don’t need to put up with the lack of self-esteem, embarrassment or problems in your intimate relationship caused by your ED. This procedure offers a real solution.

What are the Benefits?

  • It’s a safe, FDA-approved treatment.
  • It’s completely non-invasive and non-surgical.
  • It enhances erections and sensitivity.
  • It works if you have Peyronie’s disease.
  • You can use the treatment even if you can’t take ED medications.
  • The treatment requires no supplements, hormones or drugs.
  • It’s a fast, in-office procedure.
  • There is no downtime.

What Can the Treatment Do for You?

With GAINSWave®, you can forget taking prescription pills, remembering when to take your pills or reminding yourself to bring them along on a vacation. You can forget using gadgets, pumps or other systems that don’t work. If you’ve lost your enjoyment when it comes to sex, it’s time to get it back with a treatment that truly works.

GAINSWave® is not just for men with ED or Peyronie’s disease. Any man who wants to improve his sexual performance and feel more confident stands to benefit from GAINSWave®.

How Does It Work?

Uses Advanced Laser Technology

Laser technology has created amazing advances in medicine and in cosmetic surgical procedures. Surgeons rely on the precision and safety of lasers to perform complex surgical procedures.

Lasers have been proven safe and effective in hundreds of clinical trials. The same proven, advanced technology is available to men who want to end their suffering with ED and Peyronie’s or just improve their sexual performance.

GAINSWave® has been successfully used in other countries for almost 20 years. The popularity of the procedure highlights the fact that it really works.

Corrects Blood Flow Problems

GAINSWave® is the first treatment to tackle the root cause of ED. The device delivers high-frequency acoustic waves directly to the damaged or weak blood vessels around your penis. These waves help the blood vessels to open. This creates a strong, healthy blood flow to the targeted area.

The treatment prompts your blood vessels to get stronger. This allows for better constriction, which leads to stronger erections. Strong blood vessels can hold an erection longer and increase your sensation.

Shows Proven Results

In medical literature, the GAINSWave® treatment protocol is known as “extracorporeal shockwave therapy.” Hundreds of well-designed, independent clinical studies have found that this therapy works to improve ED in large numbers of men.

GAINSWave® works regardless of your age or the cause of your ED. If you have given up because you think that other, underlying medical conditions will prevent you from getting help for ED, this could be the solution you have been seeking.

Has No Side Effects

With GAINSWave®, you won’t experience any unwelcome side effects. You won’t worry about restricting your activities or taking time out of your schedule. You don’t have to drastically change your life while you are getting the treatments .

Works for Practically Anyone

This treatment is appropriate for any man who wants to restore his youthful sexual vigor. Today, many men can stay strong, healthy and vital for many years. You’re probably in good physical health and mentally sharp. You can compete with anyone at work, at play and in life. Why should your sexual performance be any different? GAINSWave® works regardless of your age, existing conditions and amount of time that you’ve had ED.

What Causes ED?

Physical Causes

Conditions that affect blood pressure. Blood flow is the key to strong erections and sexual sensation. ED is frequently the result of underlying conditions or illnesses that negatively affect your blood pressure, including diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Peyronie’s disease. In this condition, scar tissue develops inside the testicles. The scar tissue blocks the flow of blood and makes it difficult to have or maintain an erection.

Lifestyle. Your lifestyle can have a serious impact on your ability to get or maintain an erection. Smoking, drinking excessively and being overweight can all restrict blood flow to the penis.

Medications. Some medications can interfere with your ability to maintain an erection. These include antihistamines, antidepressants and blood pressure medications.

Emotional and Psychological Causes

You probably know that ED is often associated with emotional issues. High levels of anxiety, depression or stress can affect your sexual performance and your level of sexual desire.

How Does GAINSWave® Compare to Other ED Treatments?

Many men suffer from ED and diminished sexual performance. According to some statistics, over 3 million men each year approach their doctors about ED. That’s why there’s no end of remedies that claim to fix this problem. But how do they stack up?

Oral Medications

You’re probably already familiar with oral medications like Cialis, Levitra and Viagra. These medications work by increasing blood flow to the penile area. Oral medications work well, but they can be inconvenient.

Oral medications won’t work if you have Peyronie’s disease. They’re also not suitable for men who are taking certain other medications.

Penile Injections

Men who can’t use pills sometimes use penile injections. This involves injecting a medication directly into your penis just before intercourse.

Penile injections allow you to get an erection in a few minutes. The erection normally lasts for about an hour. This is a good therapy for men whose ED has not responded to other treatments, but it is not convenient for most men.

Internal Penile Pump

This is an inflatable pump that a doctor implants in the penis. When a man wants to have sex, he squeezes the pump to inflate his penis and make it hard. The penile implant has some benefits. It permits spontaneous sex and does not diminish sensation. However, it does have its downsides.

Natural Supplements

If you’re taking supplements that make you feel better and get your doctor’s approval, there’s no reason to stop. They can help you feel better, but they can’t do anything about your ED or other sexual dysfunctions.

Be especially cautious about so-called herbal Viagra. The Mayo Clinic has issued a warning about these supplements, saying that they can have dangerous side effects for many men.

What Happens During the Procedure?

The GAINSWave® procedure typically takes just minutes to carry out. You get it done in the comfort of our office.

During the treatment, you can simply relax while a qualified professional applies the device to your penile area. After the treatment, you can go right back to your regular activities.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

Most of our clients find that they get the best results after a series of treatment sessions. Once you have the results you want, you can maintain them with follow-up treatments as needed. Our professional can create a treatment and maintenance plan that will keep you feeling your best.

Is GAINSWave® Right for You?

You should consider GAINSWave® if you want:

  • Better sexual performance
  • Longer-lasting erections
  • A real solution that doesn’t rely on pills or medications
  • A safe, non-invasive procedure
  • A better relationship with your partner
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Real results that last

Call Us for a Consultation

If you’re coping with a loss of sexual enjoyment, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re stuck with a lifetime of taking pills or using gadgets. With GAINSWave® treatments at Enhanced Wellness Living, you can regain your youthful vigor and performance. We are proudly serving residents in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Bolton, Brandon, Canton, Clinton, Madison & Vicksburg, Mississippi area. Contact us today to schedule a discreet consultation at our office in Ridgeland. We look forward to hearing from you!

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